
How Long Do I Have To File A Claim After A Storm?

Most Common Question After A Storm...

This is the most common question we hear from homeowners who have suffered storm damage. It’s a great question and one that we hear all the time. When a storm has hit your neighborhood, and you’re wondering how long you have to file a claim with your insurance company, there’s an answer. 

Check with your insurance carrier. 

Insurance carriers should have standard policies. It typically takes about 365 days from the date of loss to receive payment, but some carriers are more lenient. So you definitely want to check with your carrier first.

However, for the convenience of our homeowners, even if you have a carrier that allows an extension, you usually have to apply for that extension. It can sometimes delay the process if you wait until a year after to do that. Thus, we encourage you to start the recovery process within six months of the storm. By doing so, you will have a better understanding of your timeline and what steps you must take in advance of applying for assistance.

Make sure you know exactly what you’re getting into when it comes to applying for insurance. You may lose out on the opportunity to get help paying the full amount if you don’t do it by their timeline. This is something you should take into consideration.

When it comes to assessing the damage on your roof, we can help. Just because you have a hailstorm doesn’t mean your roof’s going to start leaking tomorrow. Some roofs sustain more damage than others. The shingles were compromised from the hailstones hitting the roof, and this may take some time for an active leak to develop. But nonetheless, every storm’s different. The effects of hail and wind on a roof system can vary depending on the type of roof. And you definitely want to have somebody come and look at it as soon as possible.

What To Look For After A Hail Storm


We hope this has been helpful. It’s a common question we get in the field. 

Insurance claims can be stressful and we’re happy to come and take a look at your roof system for you free of charge, and walk you through the insurance process. Contact us or use the chat feature at the bottom of the page to ask your insurance questions or schedule an appointment.